Thursday, December 10, 2009


Editor & Publisher, the trade magazine for the newspaper industry, is closing up shop.

Didn't see that one coming. I would have thought that they would have been in a better position than many to weather the storm because a lot of their subscriber base is institutional.

Guess not.

The casualties will continue to mount, no doubt. Even if the ecomomy is turning around, and I see little direct evidence of it, it may not for print media.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dallas Morning news editors report to ad managers

Oh, this will help.

They don;t seem to get it. A newspaper's rep is the only thing it really has. Politico and Huffington Post show that new media can be populated by new organizations just as well as established ones. If the Dallas Morning News is perceived to be just another Web site then they're abandoning their best asset.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Washington Times plans big cuts

Looks like the Washington Times is about to abandon the daily newspaper business. "Significant reductions" are planned, according to TPM, but the more interesting news is that the paper is likely dropping its Metro and Sports departments and ending home delivery.

It's going to be a propaganda organ, plain and simple.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

USA Today cuts news jobs

The Washington Business Journal reports USA Today is cutting 26 more newsroom jobs and Gannett's newspapers are implementing a 1-week furlough in the first quarter as the newspaper chain continues to struggle.

While the economy may be turning around I doubt it will be quick enough or robust enough to save most daily newspapers.