Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kindle and coffee

For most newspaper readers, the morning paper is part of their regular routine. Maybe they pick it up off the porch in their bathrobe while their morning pot of coffee brews. Or perhaps they pick it up at the newsstand on their way to work. Or maybe it's waiting for them at the office and they start the workday by catching up on the news as they drink their coffee.

Well, I can already see that my Kindle can fit very comfortably into any of those routines, or even a new one. Most days I start off flicking on the TV to CNN to see what the big news of the day might be. But now I can just reach over to the night table and open my Kindle to the morning's New York Times -- not just delivered to my door, but delivered to my bed!

This is the real future for newspaper-style news organizations. Yes, being on the Web is important, but the Internet does not play to the strengths of the newspaper journalist. You're just a voice in the crowd.

What you need to be is the first voice in the morning, and that will comes from a Kindle-like device in the future.

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